Computer and Electronics

Your Dell server/workstation computer should have Windows 10 installed, and Alazar digitizer installed into a suitable PCIe slot.  Please update your Dell bios firmware (available via one-click from Dell support pages) and Alazar firmware to latest versions.  This is an important step.

TeamViewer should also be installed so we aid in various set-up tasks and troubleshooting.  We can't stress enough how vital TeamViewer remote access is.

Matlab 2015b should be installed, along with the following toolboxes:

  • Computer Vision System Toolbox
  • Image Processing Toolbox
  • Optimization Toolbox
  • Parallel Computing Toolbox
  • Signal Processing Toolbox
  • Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
  • Data Acquisition Toolbox
  • Instrument Control Toolbox


Attach X Y and Z DB9 cables from motor control box to motors.  Attach Theta connector to motorized rotation stage.  Connect the motor control box to the computer via USB.  Connect to power and turn on.

Connect SMA cable from sample trigger on ScanBox to Alazar External Trigger (TRIG IN) with provided SMC to SMA adapter.  Connect Channel A to PMT 0, Channel B to PMT 1, etc.  Connect laser clock to Optional External Clock (no SMC to SMA adapter required).

Connect scan mirrors to ScanBox.  Connect PMT high voltage control to ScanBox.  Connect linear actuator connector to ScanBox.  And Connect ETL/Optotune to ScanBox current source output.


PMT Amplifiers:

For variable gain amplifiers: set to non-inverting, 10^3/10^4 V/A, high gain (10X), full bandwidth (FBW).  Connect amplifier output to oscilloscope and turn the offset potentiometer (not bias) to set output offset to +380mV.